Last year, in the first edition of Bulgaria Excel Days attended by more than 200 participants, business representatives, most of whom gave extremely high estimation for the quality of the lectures, the usefulness of the presented topics and the level of the organization.
This year Bulgaria Excel Days will also review the latest developments and current trends in Microsoft Excel, PowerBI for Excel and VBA for Excel and their use for the business.
On November 1 in the Rainbow Plaza, a big conference will be held – with the participation of lecturers from abroad, all of them Microsoft Excel or Data Platform MVP’s – as Ken Pulse (Canada), Oz du Soleil (USA) Casper Kamnsek (Slovenia), Charles Williams (UK), Tony de Jonker (The Netherlands) and prominent Bulgarian experts in Microsoft Excel. As a special keynote speaker, we expect a representative from the Microsoft Excel team at Redmond, USA.
On October 31 and November 2, two Mastersclasses, led by Ken Puls, and Caspar Kamnsek, will be held.
The lecturers will also give you top advices, “tips and tricks”, that will facilitate your day-to-day work of processing, analyzing, and visualizing large data sets, automating business tasks, and enhancing business process efficiency.
Every serious business uses Microsoft Excel. And PowerBI tools are increasingly entering the “know how” arsenal of many Bulgarian companies.
Any business manager or business specialist, no matter what business, whether it is dealing with sales, marketing, finance, logistics, statistics, analytics, market research, sociological surveys, accounting and auditing, online or offline business, traditional or internet Advertising, CRM, Project Management, B2B, or B2C, will acquire a lot of new knowledge and will receive useful, important and relevant information from leading world experts in the areas of Microsoft Excel, PowerBI for Excel and VBA for Excel.
This conference will be of great benefit to business analysts and specialists whose main activity is primarily focused on data processing and Big Data analysis of large data sets, creating custom data models, or working in the field Вuѕіnеѕѕ Іntеllіgеnсе Ѕоlutіоnѕ (ВІЅ).
It is recommended that all participants in the conference have good knowledge and skills in Microsoft Excel (Intermediate level) and can handle well with the main tools and features of the program; as well as fluency in English.
The lectures of foreign guests and Masterclasses will be in English.